Monday, March 9, 2009

P.S. I Love You!!

Wow its been forever haha!! HI blog *hug* sorry ive neglected you!! So my life has been wild this last couple of months. I just felt like writing today even though I should probably go take a nap while all three are down i just cant caust I wanna write..k so Last night I was watching p.s. I love you and Of course I was laughing and crying through the whole movie. But I have been prompted lately to write down all the things I learn so this is the product of watching psiloveyou. A really really really really really good love story!! Oh man...k well so this is what love should be to me and all of these words represent what my love wants to be and is at times:D what is your love?
I also realize that I will have a Teenager living with me in a week!!! Azita is the cutest little girl:D I loved babysitting her when I was a kid/teenager. It wasnt that long ago that I was a teenager full of all kinds of conflicting emotions and thoughts. I remember being 18 very clearly because it was the best and worst time of my life. I was figuring out who the heck I was on my own and that was scary and exhilarating!! anyways here are a couple of pics of all three girls I used to babysit:D Azita is the oldest:D then polly and then Monica:D

k so thinking about Azita and all the things she has been through since I saw her last made me want to relive my child hood and i found some pics I thought i would upload from all over my life haha:D these are fun for me to relive:D anyways ill try to make it in order.
I was a total skater girl:D haha

oh Im so glad I never have to be a tween again!! though I had some fun:D

highschool was a total blast for me with sports and friends and beaches:Dmmmm

EFY counselor was my dream JOB!! now what do I do? Ive already done what I wanted to do with my life...hahaha!!! Ill just have to take over EFY someday:D hehe:D I loved those kids and My Fave person there was Analee:D wahooo:D

College:D weeeeehaaaw!! oh my goodness i had sooo much fun finding myself when Jake was gone for two years:D I dated and danced and had more fun than should be legal for a hard working college student:D

Home sweet home:D I barely remember this stuff:D all I remember is Jake getting off the plane and remembering why I loved him so much:D SUCH A HOTTIE!!

17 and in love

a happy little family:D

two little boys:D

all five of us playing!! Yaeee:D Im so Fappy:D Fat/happy:D hopefully in the next year I will be less fat and more Happy:D but hey I am what I am and life is pretty good hey:D

I am really really excited to go to Heaven and watch my movie:D hehe:D I had so much fun so far I cant wait to go and look at it again and laugh and cry and shake my head at myself:P haha:D anyways this was fun:D

My Charity Notes

This is my own personal blog that im writing in an Unapologetic manner about my faith and experiences in life that have brought me joy sorrow and Love.